Sunday, November 19, 2006

new york taste need only apply

I always say don't mess with my bus pass and my food. Being a new yorker living in Winnipeg the first thing I did in Winnipeg is set out looking for good food. My belly has lead me down many a strange food alley way. Things I remember fondly and things I can easily forget- the loaistan-Thai restaurant(hated it!). I guess the way i judge a restaurant is can I make it myself? If I can reproduce a dish at home why would I bother going to your restaurant? This is a thought has prevented my return or at times my ever trying a food spot. I guess in this time when food has so much flavor and all the worlds ingredients are all available, the world is the limit. If a Caribbean restaurant can't beat my curry, or my jerk tofu, then I can't image spending the mula to fund them. I want something that invites all my senses, cus that's what good food does for me. Also, coming from Brooklyn, NY I have always loved public transport, also I have never learned how to driver, sad but true. I aspire to learn to maneuver in a car one day. So for me I have always loved food and naturally explored the world via bus or train. I am looking for food to excite me in Winnipeg. I would like to try all rest-aunts in Winnipeg, 500 to go.

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